
3 Tips To Survive A Toxic Workplace

A toxic workplace is detrimental and has nothing in store for you than a bruised self-esteem. This not only stifles or kills your chances of building an innovative work life but leaves you preoccupied with the thoughts and fear of virtually everything that could go wrong.

Toxic workplaces have a notorious reputation of being a breeding ground for toxic leadership, dysfunctional colleagues, favouritism, sickening policies and depressing procedures.

Working in an environment filled with such infighting, drama, powerplay and battles against a multitude of personalities is not just dysfunctional to your career but will eventually hurt your productivity and mindset.

The good news is that a toxic workplace can be your stepping stone to something better; specifically, a better work environment. If you presently find yourself in a toxic workplace, here’s how to survive it and plan your exit to better things.

Start With YourselfToxic_Workplace_-_Start_with_yourself
When you find yourself in a situation you can’t control, the best thing to do is to control what you can and in this case, that thing is you. In a toxic workplace, practice mindfulness. You need to constantly remind yourself that you are in a work environment. Don’t be impulsive or careless with your reaction to the words and actions of the toxic elements in your workplace. Learn to master your temper. Before you speak when provoked, take a deep breath and count 1-10 within yourself.

This state of mind will save you from the familiar heartbreak and hurt that comes from individuals in such environments. Let your countenance, body language and actions remain professional, especially with the words you utter in any form of business communication. Protect yourself, guard your happiness and don’t flip.

Document Everythingtoxic workplace
An important thing to do when you find yourself working in a toxic environment is to document everything. Keep track of tasks, achievements and if possible, any form of abuse. They would be your proof in situations where you have to defend yourself in an official capacity.

Ensure all the tasks and projects you receive are clearly communicated via formal channels not verbally. If anything is communicated to you verbally, send an email to the person involved to ensure that it is documented. The idea is to be able to have everything officially documented.

Exit Your Toxic Workplacetoxic workplace
In a toxic workplace, strive to put in your very best and keep things professional but it’s even more important to begin to plan your exit. When you are in a toxic workplace environment, staying longer than necessary is not an option. However, to exit, you will need a plan. Get your CV out and update it. Look at your profiles online to see if they are up to date. A good example is your Jobberman profile – It’s important to update it to make it easier for recruiters in search of candidates with your skill set.

Be strategic with your job search and applications. Don’t apply for anything to avoid stepping into the same boat twice. Most times, you will have to work on your confidence level and bring it a few notches higher. This will prove crucial in getting you job interviews and get you closer to landing a better job.

Take a good look at your skill set and see if there are relevant training you can take to upgrade your employability in the estimation of potential employers. Don’t forget to rewrite your CV in Nigeria. There are specialists who can help you with this for a reasonable fee.

In conclusion, a good job search should always feel like a job in itself because at the end of the day, only outstanding candidates with the land the job. Don’t stay stuck in a workplace that consistently leaves you emotionally bruised. A toxic workplace is dangerous to your career. Now is the best time to retrace your steps and make more informed decisions because better workplace opportunities await you.

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