
Top 8 Most Talented Stars From BBMzansi Season 4

BBMzansi Season 4 introduced audiences to a host of charismatic and talented contestants who quickly captured the hearts of fans.

Here’s our list of the top 10 most talented housemates from this memorable season:

  1.  Liyema Pantsi: South African singer
  1. Mpumi Landan Mthimunye: South African nightclub MC
  1. Mich Mazibuko: Mc, On-Air Personality And Presenter
  1. Sinaye Kotobe: Sports Broadcaster, Media Personality
  1. Papa Ghost: South African music producer
  1. Zintle Mofokeng: Media Personality And Club hostess

  1. Yolanda Monyai: Model And Media Personality
  1. Makhekhe: Media Personality, Brand Ambassador And Aspiring Actor
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