
Top 10 Things To Do Before You Relocate

A journey of a lifetime awaits since you’ve finally decided to take the plunge and move abroad. A lot of adventures await, but there are still a couple of things you need to take care of before you leave. What are they? Glad you asked. Here’s a comprehensive list of top 10 things you need to do before you relocate.

Top 10 Things To Do Before You Move

1. Cancel Your Memberships

Sounds like an easy one to remember but you’ll be surprised how many people charge the gym to their credit cards and continue their membership way past needing to.

Gyms, Magazines, any other monthly subscription service you won’t need gets cancelled. This one is easier to scratch off the list.

2. Taking Care Of Your Things

If you currently live in a rented apartment, you’ll have to end your agreement as well as find a place to store all of your stuff you’re not taking with you. The obvious choice would be to shift it all with the parents, but you could also sell the things you’re sure you’re not going to need to make some extra money before the move.

It will come in handy. Remember logistics is going to be expensive especially if you’re planning to move far away. It would be much less expensive to buy the major items in your new country.

3. Make An Inventory

Before you sell you things and move, make a list of all the things you own and would like to take to the new place. Making an inventory is the surest way of keeping a track of all the things you need and the things you don’t.

4. Hire Professionals

Moving isn’t as easy as you might think. You can’t just pack your bags and leave, especially if you’ve been living in that home for a large number of years. Hire the right professional mover to help you with your move.

5. Study The Cost Of Living

If you’re moving abroad a lot of things will change. Your cost of living is just one of the many factors that will affect how you live your life. Make an approximate budget for your new home and see how well it goes. It’s a good habit to have in any case.

6. Make Social Connections

Moving to a new country can be daunting. Especially if you have no one to talk to there. Before you move you have to try and make some local connections. Social Media, the internet is a wonderful tool to help build local connections even halfway around the world.

7. Cancel Your Phone Plan

If you need an immediate cancellation of your phone it can cost you an unnecessary fee. If you’re sure of the move avoid the temptation of upgrading your phone plan and set a cancellation date where no fee is charged. A penny saved is a penny earned.

8. Re-route Your Mail

While snail mail is very rarely used, some companies still insist on sending regular emails. If you’re on the mailing list of some companies or you have a friend who likes an old-school way of keeping in touch re-route your mail, either to the new address or your parents home.

9. Learn About The New City

Being unfamiliar with your new city can cause you a lot of problems settling in. Learning about the city, the streets, the transportation system and more can help you navigate better and start your new life faster.

10. Say Goodbye

If you’re going for good say goodbye to your family and friends who you won’t be meeting for a while. Say adios to your loved ones because moving is hard and saying goodbye is a necessary part of the process.

If you take care of all things on this list at least your move will be hassle-free if not emotionally stressful. Remember when you move it’s most likely a start of a new adventure for you, and you don’t want the baggage of the past keeping you rooted to the spot. Your move is about having fun, so enjoy yourself.

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