Do you wish to travel abroad, to relocate for greener pastures? Here are up to 10 best countries to easily migrate to from Nigeria.

Many people have left Nigeria for greener pastures and better opportunities, while some are still making plans to migrate.
Data has shown that Nigerians make up the largest population of migrants from the African continent to developed countries. In 2016 alone, about 20,000 people reported to have been involved in the Mediterranean Sea crossing were Nigerians.
A 2020 study published on the Centre for Global Development that the number of Nigerians that relocate to abroad had jumped from 450,000 in 1990 to 1.4 million in 2019. However, this record may be higher as there are usually no official records for all citizens.
Also, within 2 years (2017 to 2019), many Nigerians were reported to have been deported from different countries like South Africa, Libya, and Italy. Indeed these journeys are risky, but the emigrants somehow believe that their success stories are tied to their ability to travel abroad.
Most aspiring migrants do have genuine reasons for wishing to travel. Some are for business reasons; some are for academic purposes; some are searching for jobs, while some seek to live better lives away from the hassles and stress of home.
Irrespective of your reason for emigrating, you will find this article helpful. It will give you the list of the best and ideal countries to migrate to from Nigeria.
1. Canada
The first in our list of top 8 countries to migrate to from Nigeria is Canada. Canada’s official language include English and French. Recently, Canada ranks high on the Nigerians’ radar as many Nigerian citizens seem to have fallen in love with the country.

Canada is one of the most famous places for students to study
Canada is the second-largest country. It is the second in the world after Russia and is home to about 37 million people.
Canada has made it easier for skilled immigrants, especially to gain entrance into their country. As a Nigerian with relevant skills, academic qualifications, and job qualifications, there are different ways you can gain access to Canada.
You can go through the provincial nomination system or via the federal express entry migration system. Another way is by securing a Canadian job with a Canadian employer.
It would be easier for you to get a permanent residency if you obtained your high school and college certificate in English Language and have a master’s degree.
Canada also supports migration with family if you want to live with your wife, children, parents, and siblings. Obtaining Canadian citizenship takes about three years.
Canada ranks highest in this list of the 8 best countries for Nigerians to migrate to as it offers high-quality education and high-quality living. It also provides its citizens with essential healthcare services.
2. Switzerland
The second t in our list of top 8 countries to migrate to from Nigeria is Switzerland.
Official languages spoken in Switzerland include French, German, Romansh, and Italian. When it comes to beautiful countries in Europe, Switzerland is one of them. The country’s quality of life is good, and it also has a low rate of unemployment.

If you are Nigerian aspiring to migrate, you might want to consider relocating to Switzerland as its one of the best countries for Nigerians to migrate to
About 8.5 million people are living in Switzerland. As the country has four official languages, you are expected to be fluent in at least one language.
You won’t compare the economy in Switzerland to that of Nigeria as it is way better than Nigeria’s. However, you should know it takes up to 10 years to earn citizenship for Switzerland.
If you are a Nigerian, you might want to add Switzerland to your list of possible countries to migrate to.
3. Australia
The number third in our list of top 8 best countries to migrate to from Nigeria in Australia. Australia has been cited as one of the best countries one can migrate to as a Nigerian.
Regardless of the distance, the country offers quality life to all, irrespective of race or religious background.

Australia is home to about 24 million people and is known to have slightly harsh weather conditions. This has placed the country at some disadvantage as it lacks in certain aspects like skilled labour.
This is why the country, just like Canada, is continuously seeking skilled labour from different parts of the world to fill up vacant slots in workplaces.
Although lately, they have tightened up their borders, especially with the high price in processing their visa, they still record a high influx of immigrants from different parts of the world (Nigeria included).
Australia is open to you so long as what you seek to do is legal and will help the country’s growth. You have boundless opportunities open to you there as an immigrant.
4. Poland
The number fourth in our list of top 8 best countries to migrate to from Nigeria is Poland. Poland is a great country as it offers excellent opportunities for survival. The country offers great economic benefits alongside other benefits.

Poland is a friendly country that accepts foreigners. It is an ideal country for Nigerians who wish to relocate abroad.
The country has a rich culture and encourages diversity amongst dwellers. There are exciting outdoor activities for you here, and if you love hiking, Poland is an excellent place for that.
Poland is listed here because it is budget-friendly. Their local currency is called the Polish Zloty and is currently at the conversion rate of 0.25 per U.S dollar.
Your daily budget would be about 25-35 dollars, as it would cost you about 5-10 dollars for your meals per day. This is almost the same as what it would cost you to eat local Nigerian foods back in Nigeria.
Depending on the type of work you do, you could earn about 150 to 300 dollars a day, which should be enough to take care of your expenses.
5. Singapore
Singapore speaks the following languages- English, Mandarin Chinese, Standard Mandarin, Tamil, and Malay. The country makes it to our list of the top best countries for Nigerians to migrate to.

Singapore is one of the best countries for Nigerians to migrate to
The country is an Island and regarded as one of the global financial centres of the Asian continent, even though it has only a small population of not more than 6 million.
The quality of living in Singapore is high, as it is ranked 5th in the human development index. It is a good choice of country, as they welcome immigrants. However, you will need an employment permit to get started here, and attaining citizenship could take as much as ten years.
If you are in for business and want to set up a company of your own, you can initiate your startup and get an entry pass to start living in the country.
6. Germany
The number sixth in our list of top 8 best easy countries to migrate to from Nigeria is Germany.
Germany is a top European country and a dream country for most migrants who want to move to Europe. However, one can’t really say it is easy to get a visa to Europe, especially Germany.

Germany is a great choice for Nigerians who want to relocate abroad
The country is quite populated, with as many as 80 million people but not more populated than Nigeria. There is a minimal language barrier as they speak the German Deutsch.
To fit in, you might want to learn some basics of their language. Irrespective of the language barrier, Germany is still one of Nigerians’ best places to migrate to.
When it comes to development, you can’t compare them to most countries listed here as they are far ahead. With its robust economy, it offers a high standard of living. It is a good place for someone that wants to have a good life.
Suppose you are a professional such as a doctor, nurse, engineer, etc. Germany is an excellent option for you. Also, people with skills or tech guru is welcomed to work and live the dream life in Germany.
7. Hungary

Are you seeking European countries that you can quickly get your visa from Nigeria? You should try Hungary. Hungary is not just “some European country” but one of the places to be in Europe. It is one of the best countries that Nigerians can easily migrate to.
You must have heard of Budapest, one of its most popular cities. It is also an affordable place to live in. You might want to check out other cities like Drebecen. They might not be as exotic as Budapest, but they sure do offer cheaper feeding and accommodation.
The local Hungarian currency is called the Hungarian Forint. With about 15 dollars, your meal for the day is sorted. Accommodation per night could take you about 20 to 25 dollars. This means as a new migrant; you should budget about 35 to 50 dollars per day.
8. Slovakia

Slovakia is a country in the European continent that shares borders with Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic, and Austria. They use Euros as their local currency.
It is known to have mountainous areas with a small population of about 5 million people. Its capital city is called Bratislava and has many architectural and museum centres to explore.
Slovakia is a good place to run a wine and beer business as they have these in abundance. You should check out this county if you are looking for cheap, easy-to migrate European countries.
If you are good with budget and managing your expenditure, it wouldn’t exceed about 40 dollars per day (feeding plus accommodation).
Nigerians will thrive well in this country. It is one of the best countries for Nigerians to migrate to.