
7 Things Successful People do on Their First Day at Work

Starting a new job could give anybody the jitters. Like traveling alone to a foreign country, it’s exciting to learn and see new things but also nerve-racking to navigate logistics and interpret an alien language.

“The first three months of any new job are an extension of the interview process,” says Amanda Augustine, career expert at TheLadders, an online job-matching service for professionals. “From the first day, you need to be on your game.”

With nearly a decade of experience advising high-level professionals, Augustine details what the most successful people do that first week in a new job:

  1. Be a geek about introducing yourself.
    Take the initiative to meet people. Say hello on your way up, in the kitchen or bathroom. It will pay off in the end. “It could be a fast-paced culture, and they don’t have time to come to you,” says Augustine. “Start with the group that’s closest to you, the people you’re directly working with.” It will be in their best interest to get you started on the right foot, since your work will directly affect theirs.
  2. Befriend a veteran who can help you navigate politics (and find the pencils).
    Learn who the players are, and who’s been at your company awhile, Augustine advises. Find the battered veteran who has a good handle on what works and doesn’t and can show you around. “Companies have their own language and inside jokes,” she says. “Look for the one person to help you decode the acronyms and office politics.” Plus, you’ll need someone to go to for the silly things. Asking your boss where to find the pencils is a bit below their pay grade.
  3. Set expectations with your boss and employees.
    “Get on your boss’s calendar,” says Augustine. Use that initial meeting to establish what they believe success will look like in the first week, month and three months. At the same time, if you’re in a managerial position, it’s important to begin setting expectations with your direct reports. From communication style to office hours, that first week sets the tone.
  4. Start demonstrating and documenting what you sold the company on.
    “Whatever you sold them on in interview, make it your mission to demonstrate that you’re going to do it,” Augustine says. If you said you were a social media whiz or good with numbers, immediately start revamping the social accounts or making sense of the company’s analytics. And start a brag sheet. Keep track of all your accomplishments, major contributions, and when you get positive feedback. You want to get in the habit early and have the information at the ready for future performance reviews and salary negotiations.
  5. Get organized to set good habits.
    Especially since a lot of new information is coming your way, setting good habits and getting organized from the start will make your life easier down the line. It’s also a good time to improve your bad habits. “It’s a great opportunity to overcome any challenges or weaknesses from your past,” says Augustine. If you’ve struggled with time management, for example, use that first week to map out how you’ll spend each day and begin putting it into practice.
  6. Reinforce your new connections on social media.
    Once you’re officially on the job, it’s important to update your title across your own social media platforms and also start following your new company and colleagues. As you meet new people, cement the relationships by finding them on Twitter or LinkedIn. Augustine advises identifying the platform that makes the most sense. Facebook, for instance, is viewed by many as personal, so use discretion.
  7. Reconnect with former colleagues.
    Perhaps counterintuitively, Augustine says the first week of a new job is the perfect time to reach out to colleagues from your previous jobs. “Go back and reconnect with people at your old company, and ask for LinkedIn recommendations,” she suggests. The best time to get referrals is when you’re not looking for a new job, she says.
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