
5 Ways to Lose Weight If You Have a Desk Job

Being in a 9-to-6 desk job can wreak havoc to your health. After all, sitting all day does nothing to compliment physical fitness, and an obvious side effect is unwanted weight gain. Adding to this, continuously being at your desk could also lead to exhaustion, lower productivity and overall moodiness.

Today, more than 100 million Americans work on a desk. Sedentary jobs fuel the obesity epidemic. “When you stare at a computer for hours instead of working in the fields, as most people did 50 years ago, you burn 140 calories less a day. This translates to gaining a few pounds a year”, says weight loss expert Kelly, who offers Nutrisystem coupons so that people pay less on a proven diet program, known as the Nutrisystem diet.

In this blog post, experts offer a few simple ways by which you can stay healthy and even lose weight if you have a desk job:

  1. Opt for the nearest fruit

Photo credit: Angelo Juan Ramos

The office pantry is often loaded with chocolates, cakes and high-calorie snacks. Across the MENA region, 31.7% of professionals consider their eating habits unhealthy according to the ‘MENA Professionals Health and Eating Habits’ poll, and there comes a point where you have to say no to these snacks and opt for a much healthier option: fruits. Fruits are not only as tasty as the snacks you love, but they’re also rich in vitamins. You should take some fruits from home or ask your HR department to substitute unnecessary snacks with a bowl of fruits. Also make sure you periodically calculate your BMI to make sure you don’t get obese.

  1. Stand every once in a while

Photo credit: Ildar Sagdejev

By sitting all day you’re not only adding to body fat, but also adding to your level of cholesterol. Stand up every now and then and stretch your arms and legs. It may not seem like you’re doing much, but you’re actually burning some calories that have accumulated throughout the day. Make it a point to stand every hour or so and walk to the water cooler, for example, or to your office creative corner. You should also try checking your body fat percentage scale

  1. Bring lunch from home

Photo credit: Jules

Most of us order lunch or eat out during the work week due to a lack of time. You don’t need to prepare lavish dishes every day. In fact, a simple sandwich or salad will do. Cut all the vegetables you need during the weekend and stock them up in the fridge. You can use these veggies throughout the week. It’s advisable to do this because junk food is not too nutritious, oily, and best avoided. Feel free to use supplements like Genf20+

  1. Drink more water

Photo credit: Vinod Shankar

Make it a habit to drink two glasses of water (read these water softener reviews before buying) before every meal so that you can feel full. This will prevent you from overeating and taking in more calories than your body requires. Drinking more water actually helps you lose water weight. In fact, when your body doesn’t get enough water from your diet, it holds onto what it has. Keeping the flow of liquids consistent sends a signal to your body that it’s OK to let go of the water it’s holding.

  1. Exercise in little ways

Photo credit: Carolyn Coles

Exercise doesn’t necessarily include sweating it out at the gym. There are daily small ways by which you can become fit. For starters, try taking the stairs to your office/apartment instead of the lift. During your lunch break, go down and walk around your office compound for 10-15 minutes daily. Almost half (49%) of professionals in the region say that walking is the most common exercise that they do, as stated in the ‘MENA Professionals Health and Eating Habits’ poll. You could also join a fun salsa, zumba or yoga class after work, once or twice a week. There are many such options, and all it takes is the right amount of will.

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